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Monday, December 6, 2010

Null and Void

And this is nothing compared to the rest of Chennai
Remember my last post about the Rain-Holiday Paradigm? Well, as you all can plainly see, it's no longer of much value. Today it rained, just like yesterday night, and the whole of yesterday. And my, what a rain! I mean, its been pouring for the last 36 hours at least. And hasn't shown any sign of ceasing. 

I see signs of 2012 approaching. :)
The forces of weather seem to have been thrust upside down and are functioning in this haphazard manner. It no longer feels anything like the usual Chennai. Chennai's temperature has entered a free fall. Last time I checked today it was somewhere around 20 degrees. Whatever it is, i do kinda find this condition very pleasant. To hear the pitter-patter at any instance of the day. To get drenched the moment you step outside. And to feel in that perceptual holiday spirit. Although the holiday part is just a waste. Iv'e been holed up in my house with nothing else to do. ( No wonder I'm blogging :-) ) 

So I'm juggling all these facts in my head, why exactly did it rain? Considering they gave us a day off there was suppose to be sunshine blazing down. Maybe its one of those things you mustn't speak about.  Hell, I blogged about it. Serves me right. No wonder its pouring all around. 

But, looking outside everything looks in an extremely pitiable state. The water is merging from all the lanes, alleys and homes and combines in the slushy street from where it continues its path towards...err...salvation? Meanwhile we see the

குப்பை தொட்டி

's of the street overturned as their gooey contents mingle with the torrents of water.( Courtesy Neel metal Fanalca) Sorry, but you'll have to get over my knack for the imagery.  :) 

But, on a more serious note, reports tell me 170 people across TN are dead as a result of this storm. Now that's something we may have to think about. We can just sit here, quite happily embracing the weather and the fact we have nothing to do. But the people who really deserve the holiday are those people having to deal with such pitiable conditions. 

Guess I'm done for the day. All this is beginning to cloud my judgement. Anything I type from now won't hold much water. Forgive me for my excessive punning. All these puns must be starting to rain on your parade! Alright, I'm done. 

Wait a second....
Update- Palligaluku Nallai Vidumurai. Oh, here we go again! 


  1. Even though I've ranted about this a million times, I can't digest the fact that I'll be dead 4 days before my 17th birthday...

    It looks like Chennai is some vessel and someone is pouring water in it...

  2. Wow, Suddhu.
    You jinxed it again.
    No rain for today.
    Wait wait, it'll rain tonight. =)

  3. Samma opening pic da. :)
    And yes. You jinxed it.
    SAFFAR. No more holidays for you. :P

  4. Truthfully, we can at least get caught by a teacher, lie and get away with it.. The thrill of life is missing in a holiday. :D


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