Video: Eric Clapton's 'Layla',
"You say Lady Gaga, I say Van Halen
You say Hannah Montana, I say Nirvana
You say Owl City, I say Iron maiden
You say Jonas Brothers, I say Eric Clapton
You say Justin Bieber, I say Guns n roses
You say Taylor Swift, I say Aerosmith
95% of teens these days listen to the same crappy pop over and over again. If you're one of the 5% who still listens to real music, thumb this up, then copy and paste it to at least five videos. Don't let the spirit of rock and roll die!"
Video: Nirvana's 'Come As You Are'
Video: Pink Floyd's 'Wish You Were Here',
"Maybe Pink Floyd has simple riffs. Maybe the lead singer sounds like a burning person. And even MAYBE all Pink Floyd fans and band members are gay. But let me tell you 1 thing:
The lyrics are beautiful and even 97% of all the lyrics were written from the heart and by the band members themselves.
Instead of Bieber who buys lyrics to sing and thinks hes amazing, while his voice gets autotuned. Thats one point of Pink Floyd; They are awesome, but they dont brag with it.."
Apart form the regular screaming girls in the bubblegum pop of today, you can find all this scattered through You Tube. And I kind of agree. But that doesn't mean I'm gonna be spitting out at Bieber like the rest of 'em. Hey, he's worked hard too...I think.
OK, lets quite this Beibing (oops?). Back to the 20th Century. The past seemed to have been a blast.
Exhibit A: Pink Floyd.
Come on, everyone has GOT to love Pink Floyd. There is nothing as good as some good ol' psychedelic tunes for the road, or simply when you need a psych-up. Their 30 years of action from the 1960's really buffed up the experimental music scene. Besides, without them we would't have a Porcupine Tree. Haven't heard 'em? Sigh. :P
Exhibit B: The Beatles
The fab four who changed music eternally. They charmed with simplicity, giving their albums that irresistibility. I mean who knew balderdash like 'Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da' could be such hits? A pity visionaries like John Lennon had go so soon. But it looks like Modern Technology finally recognize the the dent made by the Beatles (Read: itunes) :)
Exhibit C: Nirvana...Duh!
By far the most revolutionary, rebellious bands ever made. But then again, all that's good doesn't necessarily last long. Kurt Cobain drills a bullet though his head. Or as some say today- 'Kurt shot himself to make Nirvana more popular!' The best Grunge bands out there hardly alsted 3 albums. But they made their mark.
So, even though I love certain bands of the present, the past seemed better. Oh well, let's keep the present for it's catchiness and the past for its artistic feels. But of course there are the exceptions. All said and done let's get some R.E.M rolling!
The same goes for movies. Though I shall keep that for later. I'm getting awfully sleepy and have a homework overload. Not the best of combinations. Either way, I really must stop blogging on music. God...
Yours aimlessly,
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