So, your reading this huh? Good job! (Cos' I'm pretty sure you have better stuff to do than to read my blog...)
And if you are indeed going though my blog you might notice a few changes. OK, correction, so many changes you would think you are on the wrong site. Even the name is different...
Yeah, I changed the theme a bit, tweaked this and that. Spent some time, that's it. For starters you'll find the subscribe button right on the top left. That's to catch the eyes of the innocent victims who were dimwitted enough to visit this godforsaken domain. Of course, you don't NEED to click it. It's not like I'm falling at your feet asking you to subscribe...........(PLEASE!!! SUBSCRIBE!! PLEASE!!! )
Ahem....nah! Just joking, do what you wish :)
And then the most strikingly noticeable background. Plus I've also tried to include location data....but I don't know if that will pop up.
And finally...yes, the name and description at the top...yeah, that!
So, yeah that's about it, I think....any of you have any comments or suggestions or rants about my layout, speak out! Hehe....that rhymes. Layout, speak out!
Cutting that Balderdash at this point!
It's rather self explanatory but since you're here I'll take the trouble of typing it down for your slow minds to digest it. From everyday events, to opinions and perhaps even random rants, it's all here. Lock your eyes on the FOLLOW button and click away. Or don't and stray away from my domain. Either way, this is my everyday exemplified. PS- Alliterations rule! Scroll down to begin...Sudharshan!
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Saturday, May 22, 2010
Into the gloomy skies...
Never before has aviation faced such a crisis as it faces now. Problems keep piling up over each other. Recession, a crash in Africa, the Russian crash, the volcano in Iceland and now out of nowhere an air-crash in Mangalore.
Said to be one of the worst aviation disasters since the mid-air collision back in the 1990's killing about 150 people. Yes, a few people do live to tell the tale, but why did this happen at all?
A runway overshoot. Simple. But dreadful. And the sudden nature of this crash makes it that much more tragic. Mangalore has a very challenging airstrip, so to say, and perhaps a crash here was simply inevitable. A pilot must discard all notions of natural instinct in order to pull off a landing on table top runways of that type. Only further investigation can shed light on many crucial facts.
Well, all these News flashes may put flight at a higher level of danger for the public. I for one have a sort of fear towards flights. Well, not the sort of fear that makes you shiver and fret on the flight but rather a continuous conscious contemplation on the planes every move. And Maybe EVERY move would be an overstatement but you get my point.
It's not that I hate flying but rather I have a sort of love/hate relationship with flight. I love every thing about the concept of flight. The thought that at that moment your over 37,000 feet in the air exposed to blasts of freezing negative temperature while you leisurely sip your coffee. The prospect of going to the other side of the globe within a day. The prospect of sitting still in a massive jumbo jet which flies in seemingly perpetual motion.
But, at the same time I hate the feeling of flying, the constant modulation of engine sounds, the rapid oscillation of the planes wings when in turbulence, the accumulation of frost on the windows...yeah, I'm paranoid all right.
To some flying may give them some sort of superficial joy and maybe to some it may mean catching hours of sleep between international business meetings. To others it may present to them the experience of waiting countless hours in a claustrophobic metallic bird. But there is something common for them all. It's dead costly.
In a world where dough isn't so easy to come by, today's air costs burns hole in the common man's pocket. And the situation doesn't seem like it is improving either. Rising jet fuel prices and credit crunches cripple airlines worldwide. Most airlines have presented some dreadful gains in the past years and it looks like all that cost cutting is going to cease.
The future of flight seems as foggy as the skies out of the cockpit windows. But, the harsh truth is that aviation learns from its mistakes just like everyone else. Each air crash teaches them something. And that is the way the industry is.
R.I.P Flight 812 and all those who went down with it...
Signing off for now...Sudharshan!
Niagara falls,
Niagara Falls, NY, USA
The Big Apple!
New York City, the city that practically never sleeps, the big apple. Now I seem to have stumbled upon the reason to why it is called the Big Apple. In the 1900's the Jazz scene in NY was huge. And people were attracted to the money involved here. And they used to also refer to the money as 'sugar'. So NY got 'Da Sugar'. And the apple has the highest concentration of sugar amongst fruits. So there you have it folks! After drawing a few links here and there, this is the birth of the term "The Big Apple'.
Now first thing you realize when you are in New York is the massiveness of everything, huge scale of buildings...
Another thing that would come to mind is the amazing inter connectivity in the City. Every place is connected by the strands of Subways, Taxi networks, buses and metros. Subways are right within your reach almost always under the roads of streets. The sounds of trains whistling through the tracks can even be heard above. Sum up all these modes of transport and what you get is a perfect three-dimensional transport network for everyone and anyone.
The sights of New York are staggering.Take the Empire State Building for example Now the tallest building in New York ( I guess everyone knows why), it presents an absolutely unprecedented view of the New York skyline and surely have you wondering how on earth they build these things. Thankfully the city is blessed with solid bedrock. But I don't think bedrock would be a key issue for the New Yorkers.
Terrorism would though. NY had been badly wounded by the 9/11 and the only mark I see today would be the intense security. They have learnt their lesson and beefed up the security big time. Now those are good signs.
There are so many people donning those I <3 NY shirts on the streets and so I wonder, how can anyone NOT love New York??
Signing off...for now! Sudharshan
9/11. buildings,
New York,
Friday, May 21, 2010
Yes, I still know I have a blog!
I haven't been posting anything, because I don't seem to be getting the time in NYC. Because I'm an idiot.
OK, ignore the last statement unless you guys have already taken that for granted. Coming to my point...I'll be posting something as soon as I'm back from NYC or as soon as I can leech wi-fi for a considerable period of time.
BTW...just finished off with the big apple and will be leaving for Buffalo and Niagara Falls tomorrow.
Signing off....Sudharshan!!
OK, ignore the last statement unless you guys have already taken that for granted. Coming to my point...I'll be posting something as soon as I'm back from NYC or as soon as I can leech wi-fi for a considerable period of time.
BTW...just finished off with the big apple and will be leaving for Buffalo and Niagara Falls tomorrow.
Signing off....Sudharshan!!
Monday, May 17, 2010
Destination NY!
It's late tonite. Well, late considering i gotta catch a flight tomorrow morning. And no! Don't get me started on how much I hate flights. But, you gotta do what you gotta do. So, 8 hour flight with a boring stopover. But, where? New York! That is the only real good thing. The Big Apple, Manhattan! Now that's worth the flight.
Signing Off for now...Sudharshan!
Signing Off for now...Sudharshan!
Saturday, May 15, 2010
Are we there yet?
7 and a half grueling hours from Barstow back to Folsom. May sound like child's play considering already going through a 20 hr flight but nevertheless quite a long journey. Well, perhaps it went better than I expected. Correction- MUCH better than i expected. Couldn't realize time fly. A quick complementary breakfast (with the same sneaky methods of dining as we practiced in the previous hotels), and we begin the journey.
A relatively boring route in comparison to the others we inched our way through Arizona and into Cali. From here a marathon of Owl City's monotonous trebles set the tone of our journey. After a quick pit stop at Little Caesars for a bite we progressed through our journey. A hearty game of 20 questions entertained us throughout the second leg of the trip and before we knew it we were back home!
Signing off for now...Sudharshan!
A relatively boring route in comparison to the others we inched our way through Arizona and into Cali. From here a marathon of Owl City's monotonous trebles set the tone of our journey. After a quick pit stop at Little Caesars for a bite we progressed through our journey. A hearty game of 20 questions entertained us throughout the second leg of the trip and before we knew it we were back home!
Signing off for now...Sudharshan!
{Bloggin' starts here!!}
The date is may 15, midway through the month and nearly through the vacation. The United States is a fabulous place and I guess I'm going to start with blogging here ( My uncle's amazing idea...!).
I know it's kinda late...but as some guy used to say...Better late than never.
So, I'm going to be working backwards and forwards in time here..Good luck to myself!
Signing off for now...Sudharshan!
I know it's kinda late...but as some guy used to say...Better late than never.
So, I'm going to be working backwards and forwards in time here..Good luck to myself!
Signing off for now...Sudharshan!
Folsom, CA, USA
Friday, May 14, 2010
Peer over the edge (but don't fall off!)
After yesterday's spectacular sunset at the Canyons, we progressed onto the East side of the South Rim. We discarded that wisecrack of an idea of watching the sunrise at 5:30 in the morning and just progressed slowly across the south rim.
There were quite a few points with differently uncreative names such as Grandview Point and Desert View Point which were quite amazing actually. The view changed dramatically by giving the canyon with visible lifelessness a winding Colorado Rapid. Not to say that the other parts of the canyon are lifeless, but that's simply all a person can see from such great heights.
Desert view was an interesting place. Along with a good view it also showcase an old Indian tower. Don't ask me why but a sign proudly stated that the tower was rated PG! That apart it had some cool architecture and paintings.
We then took a mini-route down toward the cliff and took a few snaps. That drop was nasty, but then, where in the Grand Canyon is there NO drop??
Following all this we stopped by at the hotel again, checked out and traveled for 4 hours to Barstow. Barstow was kind of a moderately sized town, but it pales it comparison with the size of the trucks that travel through the route. From what I understand Barstow is a truck haven with the traffic going helter-skelter. Hmm...reminds me of Chennai :)
Checked into the Country Inn and that's it for the day.
Signing Off for now...Sudharshan!
There were quite a few points with differently uncreative names such as Grandview Point and Desert View Point which were quite amazing actually. The view changed dramatically by giving the canyon with visible lifelessness a winding Colorado Rapid. Not to say that the other parts of the canyon are lifeless, but that's simply all a person can see from such great heights.
Desert view was an interesting place. Along with a good view it also showcase an old Indian tower. Don't ask me why but a sign proudly stated that the tower was rated PG! That apart it had some cool architecture and paintings.
We then took a mini-route down toward the cliff and took a few snaps. That drop was nasty, but then, where in the Grand Canyon is there NO drop??
Following all this we stopped by at the hotel again, checked out and traveled for 4 hours to Barstow. Barstow was kind of a moderately sized town, but it pales it comparison with the size of the trucks that travel through the route. From what I understand Barstow is a truck haven with the traffic going helter-skelter. Hmm...reminds me of Chennai :)
Checked into the Country Inn and that's it for the day.
Signing Off for now...Sudharshan!
Thursday, May 13, 2010
From the posh strip to a sunset trip...
May 13, 2010- Thursday
Goodbye Las Vegas!!
Through the morning a certain amount of moving around had to be done and when that is done within the vicinity of TI, it is practically inevitable that you will be forced to watch the Ti's ads. There is nothing more irritating than some woman sayin' "Hang on...Tight!" over and over and over again.
and over...
and over...
enough said.
So after getting through all that, we sit down to drink a Good Ol' coffee and (after much contemplation) try our luck at the slots one final time. Well, when I say we tried the slots I obviously mean my Mom and Uncle :) And talk about lucky endings, we struck gold! If you call getting a hundred bucks from a miserable $2 striking gold...well yeah... But with all yesterday's futile attempts and money-burning we calculated hardly a 50$ net gain in Vegas. Whatever be the amount, we left in positives.
Destination Grand Canyon, and we reached there with plenty of time to spare too...!
Breathtaking views is what we wanted and that is just what we got. The way the canyon suddenly appears from nowhere is outstanding. One minute you think your on flat unending land, next minute you find yourself peering down cliff of Gigantic proportions. We had just enough time on our hands to go traverse the South Rim and visit the Hopi point for sunset. A marvelous sunset, so to speak.
The transport within the GC is pretty sweet too, maybe not as awesome as Zion, but mentionable.Catching up with a bus, we sped away back towards our hotel and immersed ourselves in an extraordinary movie on the Grand Canyon by Nat Geo in the IMAX theater. That brought us as close to the Grand Canyon as we could possibly get. Tons of skilled cinematography and helicopter filming gave us an up close and personal look at the Colorado River and the striking canyons. The movie tried it's best to explain the futile attempts of the never-satisfied Europeans to enter the canyon.
Ah...well words fail to describe for me. Let me just let John Wesley Powell explain to you guys-
"The wonders of the Grand Canyon cannot be adequately represented in symbols of speech, nor by speech itself. The resources of the graphic art are taxed beyond their powers in attempting to portray its features. Language and illustration combined must fail."
A carry-out pizza at Pizza Hut ended our day, and that's that.
Signing off for now...Sudharshan!
Goodbye Las Vegas!!
Through the morning a certain amount of moving around had to be done and when that is done within the vicinity of TI, it is practically inevitable that you will be forced to watch the Ti's ads. There is nothing more irritating than some woman sayin' "Hang on...Tight!" over and over and over again.
and over...
and over...
enough said.
So after getting through all that, we sit down to drink a Good Ol' coffee and (after much contemplation) try our luck at the slots one final time. Well, when I say we tried the slots I obviously mean my Mom and Uncle :) And talk about lucky endings, we struck gold! If you call getting a hundred bucks from a miserable $2 striking gold...well yeah... But with all yesterday's futile attempts and money-burning we calculated hardly a 50$ net gain in Vegas. Whatever be the amount, we left in positives.
Destination Grand Canyon, and we reached there with plenty of time to spare too...!
Breathtaking views is what we wanted and that is just what we got. The way the canyon suddenly appears from nowhere is outstanding. One minute you think your on flat unending land, next minute you find yourself peering down cliff of Gigantic proportions. We had just enough time on our hands to go traverse the South Rim and visit the Hopi point for sunset. A marvelous sunset, so to speak.
The transport within the GC is pretty sweet too, maybe not as awesome as Zion, but mentionable.Catching up with a bus, we sped away back towards our hotel and immersed ourselves in an extraordinary movie on the Grand Canyon by Nat Geo in the IMAX theater. That brought us as close to the Grand Canyon as we could possibly get. Tons of skilled cinematography and helicopter filming gave us an up close and personal look at the Colorado River and the striking canyons. The movie tried it's best to explain the futile attempts of the never-satisfied Europeans to enter the canyon.
Ah...well words fail to describe for me. Let me just let John Wesley Powell explain to you guys-
"The wonders of the Grand Canyon cannot be adequately represented in symbols of speech, nor by speech itself. The resources of the graphic art are taxed beyond their powers in attempting to portray its features. Language and illustration combined must fail."
A carry-out pizza at Pizza Hut ended our day, and that's that.
Signing off for now...Sudharshan!
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Zion Canyons...the inverse of the Grand Canyons...!
Everyone knows about the splendor of the Grand Canyon and it's picturesque beauty. But this lesser known canyon hide under the huge shadow of the Grand Canyon. Well, that is just simply a figure of speech employed and not a reality considering the fact that the bottom of the Zion Canyons is the Top of the Grand Canyons.
And that's exactly where we went to today! The first thing that might catch your eye might be the reddish tinged roads. Or maybe the neatly lined transport buses. Perhaps the towering canyons. But if you look really, really may observe swarms of little critters littering the ground. Nah! You don't need to be observant nor look carefully, they are just all over the place. After a bit of asking around we discovered they were the commonly called ten-caterpillars. Hmm...are they harmful? Nope...pretty harmless apparently. But still heck icky and annoying.
Coming back to the story after that random outburst...the roads are red due to the presence of minerals in the rock they use for the laying, which of course is the rock found in the Zion region. As we progressed to the bus-stop, I found the bus routes and Park map neatly presented with every comfort for the visitors. There are around 8 bus-stop locations throughout the park and each stop is visited by the bus. You only need to wait a maximum of 8 minutes in a stop for a bus to pop up.

And yet again i manage to drift away from the topic. ah! Yes, The Court of The Patriarchs was our next stop. We got an amazing view of the Three peaks christened Abraham Peak, Jacob Peak and Isaac Peak. The Grotto and The Zion Lodge were our next stops. These were the start point for various hikes and trails. Each trail was so enticing and I really felt like going on one. But Alas! Time was still a ticking factor. Besides I had no idea how those trail would turn out.
For example there was one called Angel's Landing. A well-known and visited one, it gives you a bird's-eye view of the Canyons. But there's a catch. 2 and a half miles of trekking and a half mile involving steep climb and a ridge which has huge drops on both sides of the trail. All that can be said here is- Don't look down!!
As we progressed through the park we covered the rest of the points and captured breathtaking photographs on the way too. All until we reached the Temple Of Sinawava where the canyons surrounding us suddenly converge. And the Virgin river is left just a small path in between the Canyons to trickle through.

But no! It's sooner then that! We check into our hotel in Vegas on the same night! Treasure Island. Smack dead in the middle of the renowned strip. Everything in that hotel was astonishingly lavish. The lobby, casinos, rooms, pool and of course, ( who would forget!) the bathrooms!
But even in that room, in the hotel, in Las Vegas- there is hardly a feeling that people are being ripped off in the casinos and losing stashes of cash. It's all fun and games. Maybe, that's the charm of Vegas.
Signing off for now....Sudharshan!!
Grand Canyon,
National Park,
Red Roads,
Virgin River,
Weeping Rock,
Zion canyon
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